Unleash the power of intuitive finance
Say goodbye to the outdated financial tools. Every small business owner, regardless of the background, can now manage their business like a pro. Simple. Intuitive. And never boring.

Nothing you don’t
Insights at your fingertips
All your data and finances in one place to provide quick answers and make decisions instantly.

Manage in real time
Have full control of your business finances on the go using our iOS/Android mobile apps. Because, you know, it’s 2025.
- Cobalt • 2h ago
💳 Monica is requesting a new card
Card type: Virtual
Spend limit: $500 monthly
- Cobalt • 52m ago
📈 Revenue increase alert
27% increase in the last 7 days
- Cobalt • Just now
🚨 Large expense alert
Amount: $2,487.92
Important business alerts
Choose the alerts you need and receive them via email, mobile or Slack. Review and take action in one click.
Connect all your apps
Bring your data with our built-in integrations for accounting, revenue tools and banking.

You’re in control
Lightning fast. Shortcuts for everything. Command+K on Mac, Ctrl+K on Windows. Dark mode.
Smart forecasting
Harness the power of Cobalt's predictive analytics to map out the financial future of your business.
Chat with Genius
Just ask. With Genius by your side, navigating the financial maze becomes intuitive and effortless.
See where financial automation can take your business.
The first financial tool you'll love. And the last one you'll ever need.